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image.png Came back for another round. It is really so fun.

Haha cheers!

I got 13! Nice collection of riffs on the theme. (We should make more Warioware games)


Fun game - would have liked some music!

I agree! I'm sure it would have been a lot more fun if I found the time to add some silly sounds and playful music.

Thanks for playing!

this game is very cool ! i really not sure what to critisize rn hahah


Great game! Only suggestion is to not make you press "next" every time, particularly for the piano one.

I agree with this

Yes, I could have done that. The piano one already ends if you make a mistake without pressing Next.

However, in the Binary one for instance someone could just spam the arrow without actually solving it and go through so I decided to keep Next mandatory. Also to add some pressure since it's a timed game.

Thanks for playing!

If you decide to turn this into a mobile game, which I do highly recommend, just tailor that to each game. I’d put the next or submit button down by the input for the arrows on that one, and for things like the weight balance and the piano, just move on when it’s right. either way, super fun game.

Very fun! Nice, you kept me enterteined!